Different properties in Islington have different collections. Choose the option that best describes your building.
A house or converted flat
Houses and many houses converted into flats have weekly recycling and rubbish collections picked up from the edge of the property near the pavement
An estate or block of flats
Estates and blocks of flats have regular recycling and rubbish collections from communal bins
A flat above a shop or business
Flats above shops or businesses have daily recycling and rubbish collections from the kerbside
Recycling in rented accommodation
Information for landlords and tenants on recycling correctly, including posters and leaflets
Recycling on the go
New recycling and litter bins across the borough
Related information
What you can and can't recycle
You can recycle a lot of waste but you might be confused about what to put in your containers. This information, with leaflets and posters, will help you make the right decision
Reuse and Recycling Centre
You can dispose of your household recycling and rubbish at the Reuse and Recycling Centre
Furniture, reuse and bulky waste
At a discounted rate for residents, we can collect most household items that are too big for your bin, like mattresses, furniture and cookers
Business waste and recycling
We offer a flexible business waste and recycling service for any business that's low cost, high quality and reliable
Special rates for charities and other organisations
We can provide free recycling and low-cost waste collections to charities and places of worship
Collections for schools, universities and colleges
We can provide schools, universities and colleges in Islington with recycling and rubbish collections
What happens to your waste?
Visit wise up to waste to find out what happens to your recycling