From 31 March 2025, all schools must comply with new recycling regulations. This means that recycling, including food waste, must be in place in your school.
Find out how to get your school or trust ready for new recycling regulations.
What we collect
We can collect the following:
- mixed recycling
- food waste
- residual waste and rubbish
- garden waste on request
- bulky waste (such as furniture) on request
There is a charge for these services.
Contact us
Email to find out more about this service.
To find out more about recycling, visit the rubbish and recycling services pages or email
Related information
What you can and can't recycle
You can recycle a lot of waste but you might be confused about what to put in your containers. This information, with leaflets and posters, will help you make the right decision
Business waste and recycling
We offer a flexible business waste and recycling service for any business that's low cost, high quality and reliable
Education resources from North London Waste Authority
Teaching materials and ways to get your school involved