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School Street Consultations

Information on our current School Street consultations

Christ the King Primary School public consultation

As part of our commitment to make our streets cleaner, greener and healthier, we would like to deliver improvements to the environment outside Christ the King Primary School on Tollington park.

In December 2023, we engaged with parents, carers, residents, and school pupils to find out about any issues with the current street environment outside the school, and what sort of measures would improve it. We’ve used your feedback to develop proposals for the space outside the primary school.

Share your views

We want to know what you think of the proposals to improve the environment on Tollington Park, near Christ the King Primary School. 

We're asking for your views and ideas on our proposals. You can find more information and complete the online survey on our dedicated webpage. The public consultation is open from Monday, 19 February and closes at 11.59pm on Sunday, 17 March. 

Find out more and take part

Come and talk to us: 

  • If you would like to come and talk to us about the project and view the design ideas in more detail, we will be hosting a drop-in session at Christ the King Primary School on Wednesday, 6 March from 3.15pm to 4.30pm.

Fill in the online survey

  • Complete the online survey at the bottom of our consultation webpage to tell us your concerns and ideas for the area. The survey will close at 11.59pm on Sunday, 17 March.

If you would like a paper copy of the survey please:

  • Write to: environment, 1 Cottage Road, London, N7 8TP
  • Collect and fill in a copy of the survey at the school reception or visit the reception of Islington Town Hall (N1 2UD)

Email us

Find out more about our programme to improve the environment outside primary schools located on main roads.


Sacred Heart Primary School consultation

As part of our commitment to make our streets cleaner, greener and healthier, we proposed to deliver a traffic-filtered school street and environmental improvements at Sacred Heart Primary School on Georges Road.

Consultation results report - July 2023

We held a public consultation from 3 January to 31 January 2023. Read the Consultation Results Report for Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School Street. For those who need a fully accessible version, you can view a separate accessible table that replaces the one on pages 31 to 35 in the main document.

Improvements for Sacred Heart School Street

To make the area outside the school greener and healthier, we introduced the following improvements in Autumn 2023:

  • artwork on the road near the school to make drivers aware of the school and encourage them to slow
  • cycle parking stands to make it easier for families to cycle or scoot to school
  • new greening to include trees and low-level planting beds to create a nicer environment and provide a separation between the road and pavement
  • seating to provide space for parents and families to sit, rest and chat
  • resurfacing the pavement in places where it is damaged. This will make it safer for people to walk, and use buggies and wheelchairs
  • widening the pavement outside the school entrance, moving traffic and its emissions further from the school gate and improving air quality
  • creating an extended pavement at the junction of Geary Street with Georges Road which will give greater priority to people walking over vehicles.

To improve road safety around the school, we introduced:

A camera-enforced traffic filter at the junction of Georges Road with Eden Grove, with the aim of reducing the impact of cut-through traffic and encouraging safe walking and cycling to school. Traffic filters are restrictions in the street to prevent motor vehicles passing through. The filter will apply 24/7 and enforcement will began in September 2023.

All addresses in the area remain accessible by vehicle following the implementation of the traffic filter. We have not made changes to traffic direction: all streets that are currently one-way have remained so and all streets that are currently two-way have remained so. Blue Badge holders living north of Mackenzie Road, to Caledonian Road to the west and Holloway Road to the east, and Hornsey Street to the north are automatically exempt. Non-exempt vehicles driving through the filter will be identified by camera and issued a penalty charge notice of £65.00. Cycles, emergency services and exempt vehicles are permitted to pass through the filter.

The filter is located at the junction of Eden Grove and Georges Road. Vehicles can access all addresses on Georges Road and Eden Grove from Holloway Road.  

Vehicles can also access all addresses on Lough Road and to drive to Piper Close and Watkinson Road via Lough Road. However, vehicles are not be able to drive from Georges Road to MacKenzie Road via Lough Road or from Lough Road into Eden Grove. The traffic filter went live in September 2023. 

Implementation by Experimental Traffic Order (ETO)

The traffic filter has been introduced as an 18-month trial by an ETO. Once the ETO comes into force, there is a six-month objection period. A formal objection must be in writing and must state the grounds on which it is made. You can make an objection between 7 July 2023 and 6 January 2024 by email to or by post to Environment, 1 Cottage Road, London, N7 8TP. Please note that that any formal objection submitted may become a public document and could be published.

St Luke's School Street consultation

In November 2021, as part of our commitment to make our streets cleaner, greener and healthier, Islington Council introduced a trial School Street outside St Luke’s Primary School.

The St Luke’s School Street is one of 35 School Streets in Islington, bringing cleaner air and a more pleasant, environmentally friendly atmosphere to 36 schools. It does this by preventing cars from driving on Radnor Street, Lizard Street, Bartholomew Square and Mitchell Street during pick-up and drop-off times.

To measure the impacts of the St Luke’s School Street trial, we collected your feedback throughout the trial period and held a public consultation from Monday, 6 March to Sunday, 2 April 2023. We also carried out monitoring. We’ve carefully considered the wide range of feedback we received throughout the trial, including email correspondence, formal objections and the public consultation itself.

Next steps for St Luke’s School Street

The feedback that we’ve received and the monitoring data that we’ve collected demonstrates that the School Street has had largely positive impacts and has achieved its objectives.

Therefore, we’ve decided to continue the St Luke’s School Street on a permanent basis. The School Street will continue to operate as it already does. This means that vehicles will continue to not be permitted to access Radnor Street, Lizard Street, Bartholomew Square and Mitchell Street from Monday to Friday between 8.40am to 9.20am and 3pm to 3.45pm during term time, unless they have an exemption. You can read the full consultation report in the Useful Documents section at the bottom of this page.

School Streets on main roads phase 1 and 2

As part of our commitment to make our streets cleaner, greener and healthier, we proposed to deliver improvements to the environment outside primary school located on main roads. 

We held a public consultation on phase 2 of the programme from 23 January to 19 February 2023. You can find consultation reports and more information on each primary school that is part of the main roads programme on our School Streets on main roads webpage


School Streets phase 3 consultation results

We held a public consultation from 4 July – 31 July 2022 on three School Streets, part of our phase 3 acceleration. Thank you to everyone who provided their feedback.

We have now published the School Streets phase 3 consultation report. This report includes feedback received through the public consultation. You can find detailed results for Hugh Myddelton Primary School and Highbury Quadrant Primary School in the consultation report.

The feedback from the consultation and monitoring results demonstrates that the trial at Hugh Myddelton Primary School had largely positive impacts and achieved the objectives of the trials. As a result, we extended the scheme from 10 October 2022.

We carefully considered the feedback from the Highbury Quadrant School Street and provided responses in the consultation report and decision report. We implemented the School Street on 26 September 2022.

You can find more details on both School Streets, including operational hours, on our School Streets webpage.

School Streets phase 1 and 2

You can find consultation reports for School Streets phases 1 and 2 at the bottom of this webpage. You can find more details on the School Streets, including operational hours, on our School Streets webpage.

Useful documents