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Dangerous Buildings and Structures

Owners have a responsibility to others to maintain their buildings/structures so that they do not pose a danger to people, who may live, work or be visiting in their vicinity.

If you are concerned about a dangerous structure you can contact the council at anytime.. Staff are available 24 hours a day to give advice on the course of action or to deal with reported dangerous structures to safeguard the public.

Possible action may include the following:

  • if the building/structure is defective we will inspect and advice the owner of the problem

  • if the building/structure is not immediately dangerous but requires attention we will either notify/serve a notice on the owner to respond and deal with the matter and provide a point of contact

  • if the danger is immediate we will instruct own contractors to remove the immediate danger if the owner is not available or cannot undertake the work required

  • the owner is liable for all our administrative and contractors costs. Where required, owners will be pursued through the courts to progress matters relating to progress and costs.

  • we will always try to give the owner the option to undertake remedial work necessary to remove the danger where possible.

To notify us of a dangerous building/structure please call us on 020 7527 5999 during office hours or 020 7527 2000 out of hours.