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Improving housing services

What we are doing to make our services better for you.

We are committed to improving our housing services. We have created improvement plans and we will make sure we include resident feedback to do more to improve and shape our services.

Resident satisfaction survey 2024

Between September and November 2024, we are inviting some tenants and leaseholders from council and Partners for Improvement-managed homes to share your views about the housing services you get. We want to hear about what is important to you and how satisfied you are with our housing services. Your feedback will be used to help improve our services to you

We are using a company called Kwest Research to carry out the survey over the phone. If they call you, please take the opportunity to have your say. We want feedback from around 2,500 tenants and 1,000 leaseholders. On the phone, the Kwest researcher will let you know they are calling on behalf of Islington Council so you will know the call is genuine.

The survey contains 15 questions. If you have any queries or feedback about the survey, you can contact us at or 020 7527 4005.

What we are doing to make our services better for you

  • Service Improvement Board – the board oversees improvement of all housing services and how we're meeting consumer standards.
  • Annual tenant survey and Tenant Satisfaction Measures – we will use feedback and results from these surveys and the tenant satisfaction measurements to focus on areas that really need improvements.
  • Departmental improvement plans – each plan addresses a service area that needs a lot of improvement.
  • Estate Champions – our Estate Champions are people that are chosen to help coordinate services and communication on their estates which are experiencing one or more difficult or recurring issues such as repairs, cleanliness, noise and disruption from major works and anti-social behaviour.
  • Resident feedback form – completing our you said, we did form helps us help you.
  • Mystery shopping – Residents can sign up to check and tell us about the quality of our services without us knowing.
  • Thriving Neighbourhoods – a community investment programme that opens every year for your suggestions on how we can use the money to improve your areas.
  • Housing Scrutiny, Resident Service Improvement group, Complaints panel – Groups that examine our services, performance and support our efforts to improve services. See details of housing scrutiny meetings.

You can find out more about what we've done this year with your feedback.

Communicating with us

Your feedback and discussions with you at any events or other face-to-face meetings or on phone calls, online and paper surveys, and other forms of communication are all resident engagement.

We welcome resident engagement and are looking for residents that want to work with us to help improve our services.

If this is you, join our resident involvement register. You can read some more about what we're looking for.