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Housing repairs performance

Find out how we deliver our housing repairs and measure our performance.

We are responsible for keeping 35,000 council and leasehold homes (external structures) in good repair and maintaining installations (such as central heating, water heating and the supply of gas, electricity and water) in good working order.

Annual budget and targets

Our annual repairs budget is approximately £35m. We carry out around 125,000 repairs and 20,000 gas safety checks annually.

Our priority is to fix your repair problem in one visit. We call this first time fix. We know this will not always be possible to achieve because repairs aren’t always straightforward.

When you call or email Repairs, the team will ask you to describe as best as you can your repairs issue. Depending on how bad the problem is, you will be given one of these priorities:

  • E02: Emergency – An operative will be with you within two hours.
  • U24: Urgent – An operative will be with you within 24 hours.
  • R20: Routine – The repairs coordinator will give you an appointment date with a time within the next 20 working days.
  • R60: Planned works – These are tests to your homes. One of our contractors will be in contact to book these inspections with you.
  • DAM24: Damp - The repairs team will carry out damp and mould washdown works within 24 hours of repairs coordinators raising the issue.
  • DAM20: Damp - The repairs team will respond within 20 working days and you will get an appointment schedule after the diagnostic surveying inspection.

Sometimes, it is not possible to repair everything on the first visit. The team will book any other appointments with you at the same time to save you having to call us back, and leave you with a 'what happens next' card.

Facilities and training

We have our own inhouse joinery shop and a specialised materials store, with access to specialist staff and materials to help with completing some repairs as quickly as possible with value for money to the council.

We train our staff and internal contractors at our training centre, where possible, so that they have the right skills and knowledge to deliver a good quality service to our residents.

Our performance for 2023/24

We base our performance on repairs that are completed within a time period we set as a target. This table shows how we've done against our own target by type of repair.

Types of repairs completed in time Our target for amount of repairs to complete in time  for 2023/24 
Standard 90% 66%
Emergency 99% 92%
Urgent 97% 90%
First-time fix measures 85% 86%
Call answering 91.5% 95%