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Council tax levies

Levies on your council tax helps pay for important projects available to Londoners and South East UK.

Lee Valley Regional Park Authority

Lee Valley Regional Park is a unique leisure, sports and environmental destination for all residents of London, Essex and Hertfordshire. The 26-mile long, 10,000 acre park, much of it formerly derelict land, is partly funded by a levy on the council tax.

Find out more about Lee Valley Regional Park.

Type of income, spending or cost  Amount for 2023/24  Amount for 2024/25 
Authority operating expenditure £15.5m £15.3m
Authority operating income £7.3m £7.8m
Net service operating costs £8.2m £7.5m
Financing costs: debt servicing / repayments £2m £2.2m
Financing costs: capital investment £0.9m £1.3m
Total net expenditure £11.1m £11m
Net use of reserves £0.5m 0
Total levy £10.6m £11m

Environment Agency Thames Region

The Environment Agency has a levying body for its flood and coastal erosion risk management functions and has powers in respect of flood defence.

Type of income Amount in 2023/24  Amount in 2024/25 
Levies raised  £12.526m £12.776m
Total council tax base £5.297m £5.365m

The London Pensions Fund Authority (LPFA)

The London Pensions Fund Authority (LPFA) raises a levy each year to meet expenditure on premature retirement compensation and outstanding personnel matters for which LPFA is responsible and cannot charge to the pension fund. These payments relate to former employees of the Greater London Council (GLC), the Inner London Education Authority (ILEA) and the London Residuary Body (LRB).

For 2024/25, the income to be raised by levies is set out below.

The Greater London levy is payable in all boroughs, the Inner London levy only in Inner London Boroughs (including the City of London). The figures show the total to be raised.

  • Inner London: £7,000,000
  • Greater London: £1,000,000
  • Total: £8,000,000

From 2022 onwards, a portion of the amount previously raised as levies is being paid into the LPFA Pension Fund to address a funding deficit in respect of former GLC, ILEA, and LRB employees.