Contact details
Phone: 020 7527 4813
Email: newrivergreen.eyc@islington.gov.uk
Address: 23 Ramsey Walk, Islington, London N1 2SX
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About the centre
New River Green Children’s Centre is a vibrant nursery providing high-quality learning in a rich and stimulating learning environment. The nursery achieved the highest rating from Ofsted following an inspection in April 2023 which highlights all five areas of practice as Outstanding. We serve a large catchment area with a valued, culturally rich and diverse community. We believe that high-quality nursery education can make a profound difference in enabling children to reach their full potential throughout their educational life and recognise that play is an important key to learning, as through play children experiment and develop ideas.
As a centre our aim is to provide the best start in life for all of our children and families. We have high expectations for every child and provide activities that build upon experiences, ensuring success and growth in confidence. All activities take into account each individual child’s learning needs and styles, enabling all children to make progress to achieve and progress.
We have an amazing outdoor area where all our children can take part in Forest Explorers, our outdoor learning programme which naturally encourages open-ended problem solving, supports positive social interaction and allows the children the freedom to explore their ideas and learning on a larger scale.
New River Green Children's Centre is recognised as an Islington Healthy Early Years setting and has received the Healthy Early Years London Silver Award. Islington Healthy Early Years works with settings to ensure a good level of support for the health and wellbeing of children under five and their families. Healthy Early Years London (HEYL) is an awards scheme funded by the Mayor of London which recognises Early Years settings’ achievements in child health, wellbeing and development.
Virtual tour
See the virtual tour of New River Green Children's Centre.
- "Thank you all for your kindness and your smiles. You will always be my first and best nursery. Take care and I will come back when I am older." - Child
- "I know I will never find a bunch of people to work with like you all, all so welcoming from my first till my last day – I will never forget my time with you." - Staff member