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Goodinge Early Years Centre

About Goodinge Early Years Centre including its approach, contact details, testimonials and a virtual tour.

composite image of children playing at Goodinge Early Years Centre

Contact details 

Phone number: 020 7527 6981


Address: Corporation Street, Islington, London, N7 9EH 

If you would like to express your interest in this early years centre, please fill out this online form

Learn more about our  other council-managed nurseries

About the centre 

We are based within walking distance of Caledonian Road station in the Holloway ward of Islington. We are a Bronze awarded Healthy Early Years setting and achieved a ‘Good’ Ofsted inspection in October 2021. 

Children learn through play and remain at the heart of the curriculum. At our nursery, adults are skilled in recognising where they need to stand back and observe and where they need to engage, guide, and extend children’s learning. Each day offers fun, engaging and challenging experiences which children will remember and ultimately learn from.  

We have a highly qualified, experienced, and diverse staff team dedicated to providing excellent practice. Our staff continue to develop professionally and work in partnership with a multi-disciplinary team of external professionals. We are very proud of our dedicated team of staff, many of whom have been here for over 10 years.   

We aim to build relationships with parents, carers and other family members to provide positive experiences for children and their families. The door is always open for feedback and we welcome all comments and suggestions. We pride ourselves on the attachments made with the children – which ultimately helps them to develop a sense of belonging and feel safe in exploring the environment.   

The enabling environment is ever evolving to keep children engaged in play. In addition to the daily activities, children can benefit from Yoga sessions, Forest School and music and movement sessions.

Virtual tour

See a virtual tour of Goodinge Early Years Centre.


  • "Excellent settling-in procedures ensure they develop good relationships with staff. Children demonstrate that they feel safe and secure in the staff's care.” - Parent
  • "I have been at Goodinge for over 25 years, and I think of it like a second home. For me it’s a place that I love - the children, families and the staff, it just has a great atmosphere!” - Staff member 

Register your interest with Goodinge Early Years Centre

Expression of interest form
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