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Conewood Children's Centre

About Conewood Children's Centre including its approach, contact details, testimonials and a virtual tour.

Composite image of Conewood Children's Centre

Contact details 

Phone number: 020 7527 4440


Address:14 Conewood St, London N5 1DL

If you would like to express your interest in this children's centre, please fill out this online form

Learn more about  other council-managed nurseries

About the centre

Conewood Children’s Centre nursery is an Ofsted rated ‘Good’ setting located alongside our children’s centre just off Highbury Park Road.

We offer a newly refurbished space with a large open garden and age-appropriate rooms for our babies, toddlers and preschool aged children.

Conewood is a Tiny TiPS (trauma informed) nursery and also belongs to the Early Years Eco Wheel scheme promoting sustainability. Conewood is currently on the Islington register of Good Practice for our work on understanding children’s brain stories and holds the Silver Healthy Early Years award. Healthy Early Years London (HEYL) is an awards scheme funded by the Mayor of London which recognises Early Years settings’ achievements in child health, wellbeing and development.

Our core curriculum is based on understanding our children’s stories and acknowledging that young children’s brains are built through a repetition of back-and-forth experiences when children feel safe, secure and cared for.  

Fundamental to our approach is our highly effective key person system that values the importance of a compassionate, understanding and trusting adult.   We work closely with our families using the Tapestry online platform to share learning and meet termly to discuss individual learning, progress and development.   

Our team are highly skilled in working with children who have disabilities and we pride ourselves in the range of languages spoken by our team.  Diversity is celebrated and drives us to provide each child with an education that is right for them.

Virtual tour

See the virtual tour of Conewood Children's Centre


  • "Conewood has wonderful staff who are always happy and welcoming. We feel so blessed. My daughter loves coming every day and it feels like a special family." - Parent 
  • "Working at Conewood is about being part of an ethnically diverse family. We are really proud of our different cultures and languages where we all feel respected for the values we bring." - Staff member

Register your interest with Conewood Children's Centre

Expression of interest form
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