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Barnsbury and Laycock Liveable Neighbourhood

As part of our efforts to create a cleaner, greener and healthier borough, we want to introduce a liveable neighbourhood in the Barnsbury and Laycock area. This project will invest in your streets and public spaces for the benefit of the local community – to bring neighbours together, support local shops and make it safer for children to play and travel.


Date Engagement stage Activity
Winter 2022-23 Early engagement Listen to people's ideas about how they want to see the area improved, to help us create our initial designs.
Autumn-2023 Initial proposals Get people’s feedback on our initial proposals to support us to develop designs.
2025 Public consultation Hold a formal public consultation on the final designs before any decision is taken to implement the proposals.

We have now completed the second phase of engagement for the project, which included hearing people's feedback on our initial proposals between Tuesday, 12 September and Sunday, 22 October 2023. We'd like to thank everyone who provided their valuable thoughts, ideas, and insights. Based on the feedback we've received, we're now developing concept designs which will be shared with local people for comment during public consultation next year. 

Head to our engagement page to see initial proposals that local people have provided their feedback on. 

Find out more about the initial proposals

The Barnsbury and Laycock Liveable Neighbourhood

Through listening to the ideas of local people, we want to develop a scheme that will:

  • make the area greener, healthier and more pleasant to spend time in, with new plants, trees and seating 
  • create safer streets in the area for children to travel independently, feel confident waking, scooting and cycling and new areas for play
  • reduce traffic in the area to make local streets quieter, less polluted and safer to walk and cycle around
  • support local businesses to thrive
  • improve health and wellbeing through cleaner air and by making it easier to walk, cycle and wheel.

The project will cover the area bounded by Caledonian Road in the west, Holloway Road in the north, Upper Street in the east, and Pentonville Road in the south. To manage its scope, we are proposing to begin with the areas adjoining Liverpool Road as shown in the shaded area in the map below. 

Map showing the proposed Barnsbury and Laycock Liveable Neighbourhood area

(Map was updated 15 September 2023)

How to get involved

We first engaged with the local community from November 2022 to April 2023 where we asked people about the improvements they'd like to see in the area. We have now used this feedback to develop proposals for the area.

The proposals seek to transform the area and will help make it easier to walk, cycle, wheel and use buggies and wheelchairs.  

Find out more about the proposals

Email us

You can email our project team with your views and comments at:

Public events so far in 2023

As part of phase one of engagement with local people, we held two events earlier in 2023.

  • Online public meeting - Wednesday 22 February 7pm - 8.30pm: We gave a presentation to explain the project, with a Q&A session afterwards. You can download the presentation slides and watch a video recording of the presentation.
  • In-person workshops - Tuesday 7 March 6.30pm-8.30pm at Islington Town Hall: There was an activity in groups for people to have their say on how we should improve the area in this project.
  • Online event: Tuesday, 19 September 2023, 6pm - 7.30pm, on Microsoft Teams. We gave a presentation to explain initial proposals for the project, with a question and answer session afterwards. You can download the presentation slides and watch a video recording of the presentation.
  • In-person workshops for residents: Wednesday, 4 October and Thursday, 5 October 2023, slots from 6.30pm at Islington Town Hall. There was an activity in groups for local residents to tell us their views on the initial proposals for the Barnsbury and Laycock Liveable Neighbourhood. 
  • In-person workshops for businesses: Friday, 13 October 2023, morning, lunchtime and evening time slots, at Islington Town Hall. There was an activity in groups for local businesses to tell us their views on the initial proposals for the Barnsbury and Laycock Liveable Neighbourhood.

Next steps

There will be further opportunities to have your say on the proposed liveable neighbourhood.

The feedback we receive from phase two engagement will help shape the concept designs for the Barnsbury and Laycock Liveable Neighbourhood project.

These designs will be shared for input during public consultation in 2025. A decision on whether and how to proceed with the Barnbsbury and Laycock Liveable Neighbourhood will only be made after public consultation.

For more information

For general information and questions about liveable neighbourhoods in Islington, you can visit our main people-friendly streets FAQs page.

If you have questions that are not answered by the information on this page, our people-friendly streets FAQs page, or our Barnsbury and Laycock Liveable Neighbourhood engagement page, please email us at