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People-friendly streets Individual Exemption FAQs

Answers to frequently asked questions on our Individual Exemptions for low traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs)

By delivering the people-friendly streets programme, we are encouraging residents who are able to walk or cycle instead of driving to consider their travel options before starting their journeys. In recognition that some people have no choice but to travel by car, and taking on board valuable feedback from residents and groups representing disabled people, we introduced exemptions for Blue Badge holders to camera-enforced filters in their ‘home’ low traffic neighbourhoods from December 2021.

In response to further feedback, and as the next step in improving the accessibility of low traffic neighbourhoods and upcoming liveable neighbourhoods, we have introduced a new “Individual Exemption” for which applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis. Individual Exemption permit holders will have access through all camera-enforced filters in all current low traffic neighbourhoods and upcoming liveable neighbourhoods in Islington.

This exemption has been implemented on a trial basis from January 2023. A feedback period will run for the trial lasting at least 12 weeks to provide an opportunity for people to comment on the policy. The trial feedback period is now closed.

If you can’t find the answer to your question here or are having difficulty completing an Individual Exemption application, please contact us at Telephone support from the Islington Council Blue Badge team is available at 020 7527 6108, where you can leave a call back request.

What is the Individual Exemption policy?

Through the Individual Exemption policy, exemptions may be given to people who can demonstrate that they/their child(ren):

  • Find it considerably difficult to sit in a vehicle for an extended period of time due to a disability or chronic health condition
  • Experience overwhelming psychological distress from sitting in a vehicle or re-routing of trips due to a disability or health condition

Evidence will need to be provided to show the substantial disadvantage of increased journey times or re-routing of trips in order to support the case for an exemption.

‘Considerable difficulty’ and ‘overwhelming psychological distress’ should be understood as suggesting that the intended purpose of issuing an Individual Exemption is to enable the permit holder to undertake journeys that would not otherwise be possible or are only possible with considerable difficulty. The exemption will apply to all camera-enforced traffic filters in Islington’s low traffic neighbourhoods and in upcoming liveable neighbourhoods. A full list of filters the exemption applies to is available here.

Applicants do not need to live in an Islington low traffic neighbourhood or a liveable neighbourhood to be considered for an Individual Exemption.   

The exemption will be for a single vehicle which may be the applicant’s own or belong to another person. It should be the main vehicle used for the exemption holder’s travel. The exemption holder must be in the nominated vehicle, either as driver or passenger, when it passes through a traffic filter. Individual exemptions will be subject to review every three years.

Who is eligible for an Individual Exemption?

Exemptions may be granted to those who are able to demonstrate that they/their child(ren):

  • Find it considerably difficult to sit in a vehicle for an extended period of time due to a disability or chronic health condition
  • Experience overwhelming psychological distress from extended or re-routed trips due to a disability or health condition

Evidence will need to be provided to show the substantial disadvantage of increased journey times or re-routing of trips in order to support the case for an exemption.

The exemption is intended to enable individuals to make journeys that would not otherwise be possible, or only possible with considerable difficulty or psychological distress.

A “chronic condition” would be one that is persistent and long-term (lasting longer than one year), requires ongoing medical management and/or treatment, and/or limits daily activities. Examples of chronic conditions that might lead to considerable difficulty or psychological distress when sitting in a vehicle for extended periods of time include, but are not limited to:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs), such as Asperger’s Syndrome
  • Complex mental health or neurological disorders
  • Epilepsy
  • Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
  • Spinal conditions or injuries
  • Other ongoing conditions that require regular hospital or GP visits, that can be shown to lead to either considerable difficulty or overwhelming psychological distress when travelling by vehicle

Are Blue Badge holders eligible for an Individual Exemption?

People will be eligible for an Individual Exemption if they meet the exemption criteria, regardless of whether they hold a Blue Badge.

Not all Blue Badge holders will necessarily meet the criteria for an Individual Exemption. To be eligible for an Individual Exemption, you must be able to provide evidence that demonstrates the need for an exemption.

For further information on the criteria, see “Who is eligible for an Individual Exemption permit?”.

If I am granted an Individual Exemption, will this impact my current LTN Blue Badge holder exemption?

If you apply for and are granted an Individual Exemption you will still be exempt from camera enforced filters in your Home LTN, and also granted access through all camera-enforced traffic filters in all other people-friendly streets low traffic neighbourhoods and upcoming liveable neighbourhoods in Islington.

If you apply for and are not granted an Individual Exemption, this will not impact your existing Blue Badge holder Home LTN exemption.

You can read more about the Home LTN Blue Badge holder exemption here.

How do I apply for an Individual Exemption permit?

You can make an application for an Individual Exemption using the form on the council’s website. Please click the button below to access the application form.  

Apply for an Individual Exemption

If you would like a paper copy of the Individual Exemption application form, please request one by writing to: or Public Realm, 1 Cottage Road, London, N7 8TP. Paper copies can also be requested by telephone at 020 7527 6108.

In your application, you will need to upload scans or photos of documents as evidence that you have a condition or disability that means travelling by vehicle for an extended period of time causes considerable difficulty or overwhelming psychological distress. This may include documents from the following list. This list is not exhaustive, and applicants may provide documents which are not listed below:

  • Confirmation of ongoing treatments and/or clinic attendances, or referral for these
  • Evidence of specialist consultations or referral for these
  • Patient Summary or Summary Care Records (from a GP)
  • Care plans from social care teams
  • Letters from medical professionals involved in care and treatment (e.g. psychologist)
  • Educational Healthcare plan
  • Occupational Therapy reports and/or Physical Therapy reports
  • Evidence of relevant benefits received   

The council will assess any evidence provided. In some cases, applicants may be asked to provide additional evidence. Applicants may also be contacted by the council’s Blue Badge team by phone to discuss details of evidence submitted as part of the application, as well as the difficulties they experience when travelling.

When we consider your application, we may refer your information to a specialist assessor to assist in determining your eligibility for the exemption.

How and when will I know if my application has been successful?

Applicants can expect to be notified in writing if they are eligible for an exemption approximately 28 days from submitting their complete application and evidence.

Applications may take longer than 28 days if more information is required to support/complete the application, or if information is referred to a specialist assessor.

Successful applicants will be sent a letter with details on how they can use the exemption permit. Once you receive this letter, your exemption will be valid at camera-enforced filters in all current and upcoming Islington low traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs) and liveable neighbourhoods. The permit will be held electronically, and nothing will need to be displayed on the vehicle. You will not be exempt from low traffic neighbourhood or liveable neighbourhood restrictions through the Individual Exemption policy until you have received a letter advising you an exemption has been granted to your nominated vehicle.

My application for an Individual Exemption was unsuccessful. Can I request my application be reconsidered?

Applicants may have their application reviewed following an unsuccessful exemption decision and can provide additional evidence for consideration by writing to

In reviewing your application, we may refer your information to a specialist assessor to assist in determining your eligibility for the exemption. The council will notify you of the outcome of the review in approximately 28 days after a review is requested and any additional evidence is submitted.

Which traffic filters will my Individual Exemption apply to?

The Individual Exemption will allow the holder to drive through all camera-enforced traffic filters where signs indicate ‘No Motor Vehicle’ restrictions (pictured below) apply and display a sign plate reading ‘Except permit holders’ followed by an LTN Zone Reference in all current and upcoming low traffic neighbourhoods and liveable neighbourhoods in Islington.

This exemption will not apply to School Streets restrictions where signs indicate an SS (School Street) permit code. 

Road sign showing no motor vehicles are allowed

If you have been granted an Individual Exemption, you will not need to take any further action when a future low traffic neighbourhood or liveable neighbourhood is introduced, as you will be automatically exempt from camera-enforced traffic filters in that neighbourhood.

The exemption holder must be in the nominated vehicle, either as driver or passenger, when it passes through a traffic filter. Drivers of exempt vehicles are expected to approach traffic filters with caution, as pedestrians - particularly children and older people - may not expect to encounter through-traffic in these locations.  

How much will an Individual Exemption permit cost?

There is no charge for an Individual Exemption permit.

How long is my Individual Exemption permit valid?

Individual Exemption permits are valid for three years from the date of issue.

A renewal reminder notice will be sent to the Individual Exemption permit holder ahead of the expiry date. It is the responsibility of the permit holder to ensure they renew their exemption prior to its expiry. Exemption holders will need to confirm their continued eligibility for the exemption. This may require submission of evidence at the time of renewal.

I am not an Islington resident. Can I still be considered for an Individual Exemption?

The Individual Exemption policy does not require applicants to live in Islington. The policy is intended for those who regularly access Islington’s streets, which could include those who reside in a neighbouring borough but regularly travel in Islington.

Applicants who do not reside in Islington will need to provide evidence that they regularly access Islington's streets. This could include evidence of frequent visits to medical appointments, proof of a place of work or school located in the borough, or similar. Please note this list is non-exhaustive and other evidence of frequent visits to the borough will be considered. 

May I change the vehicle that my Individual Exemption permit applies to?

If the vehicle you regularly use changes – due to temporary repairs or the purchase of a new vehicle – the permit holder may be able to switch the exemption to their new/temporary vehicle. To do this you must contact the council’s Blue Badge team at 020 7527 6108 or at

Evidence may be needed to demonstrate that the vehicle you regularly use has changed.

I don't have my own vehicle but I believe I am eligible for an Individual Exemption. Can I still apply?

Individual Exemption permits will be granted for a single vehicle chosen by the applicant. This does not need to be your own vehicle. The nominated vehicle could belong to a carer (who could be a friend or family member) but it should be the main vehicle used for the exemption holder’s travel. The exemption permit is only valid when the exemption holder is in the vehicle (as a driver or passenger). 

Can taxis and private hire vehicles be exempt under the Individual Exemption policy?

Taxis and private hire vehicles are not exempt under this policy. This is because these vehicles are not exclusively used by people that are eligible for an Individual Exemption. Furthermore, it is not yet technologically possible to exempt taxis only for the purpose of trips with a particular passenger, even if the passenger would otherwise meet the criteria for an Individual Exemption.

The council will continue to investigate the feasibility of exemptions for taxis and private hire vehicles used by disabled individuals as a next phase in the development of the wider exemptions.

Exemptions for private hire vehicles will only be granted if they are registered to the applicant’s address.