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Street sign and cone icon

Road closure licence conditions

Licence conditions for a temporary traffic road closure.

A licence is legally valid for dates stated thereon only.

If an applicant is unable to utilise a licence on the dates it is approved and issued for, a further licence must be applied and paid for. You must request in advance any extension to your submitted dates.

By submitting the request the Council of the London Borough of Islington (hereinafter called “the Council”) to execute the following works for a Temporary Traffic Management Order (TTMO) in accordance with Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 as amended by the Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Act 1991.

A road closure temporary traffic management order will permit a temporary road closure in accordance with section 14(1) of the road traffic regulation act 1984. Please note that, if granted, the maximum period for which it will be valid will be three months.

You are required to complete the following conditions before your road closure licence is approved.

  • To pay the Council the full licence fee.
  • To submit the traffic management plan in relation to this application to within 2 working days.
  • To contact Parking Services to arrange for the suspension of any affected parking areas that may have bays or meters and to pay the necessary costs involved.
  • This licence does not include Parking Suspensions. Please email for more information.
  • You will be responsible for the provision and costs of traffic management and traffic signs on all affected roads, including any diversionary routes.
  • If temporary traffic signals are agreed as part of this permission, please submit a Temporary Traffic Signals form is submitted to