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Properties near a designated or protected area

There are 42 conservation areas in Islington. They are designated by us for their 'special architectural and historic interest.'

Within conservation areas, certain additional planning controls apply. You will need to apply for planning permission for demolition and for some alterations or extensions that don't need permission outside a conservation area. For more information, see permitted development rights .

You must give us six weeks notice before any work is carried out to prune or fell a tree in a conservation area.

Find out if you are in a conservation area

The interactive map can be used to see what areas are covered by a conservation area.

Buildings are listed if they are considered to be of national architectural or historic interest.

The interactive map can be used to see what buildings are listed or you can search National Heritage's online database of listed buildings and scheduled ancient monuments.

Making changes to a listed building

Listed building consent is required for any works to a listed building that would affect its special architectural or historic interest.

This applies to all types of works and covers all parts of the building (interior and exterior). It may include works to attached or curtilage buildings.

It is a criminal offence to carry out works to a listed building without first obtaining consent from the council, even if you did not know that the building was listed.


  • if you own or occupy a listed building and you need more information on the type of alterations that may be acceptable, Islington provides more information on the criteria and implications of listed buildings.
  • Islington also has other supplementary guidance documents that contain helpful information for example on conservation area guides.