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Parking sign and car icon

Apply for a funeral waiver

How to apply for a funeral waiver in Islington, and where you can park when you have one.

Where you can park with a funeral waiver

Waiver holders can park on the zone listed on the waiver:  

  • in resident bays 
  • in resident shared use bays or permit shared use bays
  • on single yellow lines.


This funeral waiver is free. 

Number of waivers

We will issue up to a maximum of 25 waivers per application.  

What you need to apply

You’ll need to give us: 

  • evidence of a funeral - death certificate 
  • date of service 
  • funeral parlour name and number. 

You'll also need to give the address where the:

  • attendee / group of vehicles are driving to the service from
  • service will be held
  • attendee / group of vehicles will be after the service.

Processing your application will take up to two working days. You'll get an email letting you know if your application is approved. 

Where not to park

Funeral parking waivers are not valid:

  • on red routes or double yellow lines - for waivers or suspensions on red routes, visit Transport for London or call 034 3222 3333
  • in Blue Badge disabled bays, business permit bays and doctor’s bays 
  • on housing estates
  • in suspended bays
  • pay by phone only bays.


Use this form to apply for a funeral waiver.

Apply now