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Some online forms unavailable

My eAccount and payments are now working as normal following essential website maintenance.

Some online forms are still unavailable, but we're working hard to get these back online.

If you can't do what you need to, try again later. We're very sorry if you are affected by this essential work. 


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Contact us

The Council’s Pension Staff are trained to assist you with any queries you have in relation to your local government pension. Feedback is very important to us to improve our service.

If you have a question about our services or require additional information in relation to your pension which you are unable to find on our webpages, please go to the section ways to contact us.

Ways to contact us

Call us

This is the best way to contact us if you have a query so we can talk about your query or concerns in detail and we may be able to resolve matters while you are on the phone. 

Our normal working hours are 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Type of query Phone
Retirements 020 7527 2849
020 7527 2800
Transferring your pension 020 7527 2710
020 7527 2165
New joiners 020 7527 3175             
Notify us of a death 020 7527 2409
020 7527 2167
Help with pension portal registration 020 7527 4992 

Email us

If you would prefer email, please send your message to the pensions mailbox at, and we will contact you within seven working days.

Write to us

If you would prefer to send us a letter, write to us with as much detail as possible about what you want to discuss or tell us. We might need more information, so it’s useful to include your contact number and a convenient time slot to call you.

Write to us at:

Islington Council
Pensions Office
222 Upper Street,
London N1 1XR

Help and support

Pension Wise is a free service from MoneyHelper and is available to assist with general requests for information and guidance. They provide independent and impartial information and guidance about pensions, free of charge.

Get more advice and support from these related website pages.


If you want to tell us about something we have done well or a staff member has gone above and beyond in resolving your query, we would love to hear from you. Your compliments and feedback are really appreciated. 

Send a compliment


We know we won’t always get it right and most queries or minor complaints can be resolved quickly by contacting Islington Pensions Office. 

Your feedback is very important to us and we want to hear from you if you feel we have got something wrong or you are unhappy with the service you have received. By sharing your experience, it will allow us to clarify things or put right any errors and help us to improve our services.  

Submit a complaint

If we cannot resolve your complaint  and you are still not happy with a decision made in relation to the scheme, you can ask for it to be looked at again under the formal complaint procedure called the Internal Dispute Resolution Procedure (IDRP)

The Pensions Ombudsman

The Pensions Ombudsman (TPO) is an independent and impartial organisation set up by law to help resolve complaints about pension schemes.

TPO can investigate and determine all complaints and disputes involving maladministration of the scheme. The decisions of TPO are final and binding on the claimant and the local authority.

TPO will only consider cases that have first tried to be resolved through the Internal Dispute Resolution Procedure. Complaints to TPO should be made within three years of the event or three years from when the applicant first knew about it. TPO has the discretion to extend the time limit, in special circumstances.

Contact the TPO