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Jobs and careers

Inclusive Islington

Islington is a diverse borough with a proud history of championing equality for all. We believe our diversity is our strength, with difference enriching our lives and helping us towards our collective goals.

“I am encouraged by senior management to elevate myself and take on bigger roles.”
Yetunde Johnson, Emergency Response Officer
Yetunde looking upwards with a smile wearing earrings and long dark hair

We are determined to create a more equal Islington  one where everyone, regardless of background, has the opportunity to realise their potential and enjoy a good quality of life. And that includes fair access to jobs and career development opportunities through a range of inclusivity initiatives.

Our monthly Quality Assurance Board provides the governance and accountability for challenging inequalities actions and progress. Inclusivity runs like a golden thread through everything we do. We incorporate it into all aspects of recruitment and the learning and development programme, as well as our new strengths-based assessment forms and guidance, and the adult social care quality assurance framework.

Our Rethinking Diversity programme aims to promote inclusion, diversity and equality for all residents and staff in adult social care.

  • We ensure that all our forums reflect the diversity we see in our community, to make sure that our services are developed and shaped by the individuals we serve.
  • We work closely with our partners to fully understand the experiences of our residents and how they feel about their safety. We use this information to address issues and remove barriers our service users (particularly those with protected characteristics) might face. The knowledge and understanding we gained with how Covid-19 impacted different groups within our community are being used to develop service plans that will provide additional support to those who are most affected.
  • We are developing a quality assurance framework that will ensure services are delivered to our highest possible standards. This framework will ensure that all our services demonstrate the impact they have in driving our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion.

What else are we doing?

Find out about what else we're doing to challenge inequality, and why this makes us a great place to work.

Why work for us
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