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Moving from Islington

If you want to move away from Islington there are a number of options, depending on where you want to live

Whether you are a social housing tenant or not, if you would like to move to another council area you can apply directly to join the housing waiting list in the area of your choice. You first need to find out which local authority your chosen area is in, and then ask them for a housing application form. Contact details for all councils can be found on

You can maximise your chances of moving by choosing areas where there is less demand for social housing. However, many councils have long waiting lists of their own, as there is a shortage of social housing across the country.

For more information please email us at or call us on 020 7527 4140.

We are based at the Islington Customer Centre, 222 Upper Street, London, N1 1XR. Our offices are open 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday.

Ways social housing tenants can move out of Islington

Swaps across the UK

Home Swapper helps you to swap homes with another tenant. You can find an exchange partner anywhere in the United Kingdom. The website is for council or housing association tenants only. It is free to council tenants but some housing association tenants may have to pay a small fee to register, if their landlord is not part of the scheme.

Moves across the UK 

Homefinder UK allows council tenants and some housing association tenants to move from one part of the UK to another. You’ll need to contact your landlord to see if they are a part of the scheme. You may be eligible for the scheme if Islington Council have confirmed that you are threatened with homelessness or are homeless.

Watch this short video about an Islington resident who used the scheme to secure a new home.

Over 60s

The Seaside and Country Homes Scheme is open to council and housing association tenants over 60 years old, who live in London and would like to consider moving to the coast or countryside.

People who work in the City of London

If you work within the City of London 'Square Mile' for more than 16 hours per week and have done so for at least the last 24 months you may be eligible to join the City of London housing register.