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Council home owner admin fees

Find out what administration fees we charge for a particular service or when we deal with a breach of lease.

Buying, selling, subletting or remortgaging

Use the apply and buy links in the table to pay the fee.

Service What the service is for  Cost Apply and buy
Leasehold sell-on pack Information for solicitors £227 Leasehold sell-on pack
Freehold sell-on pack Information for solicitors £98 Freehold sell-on pack
Leasehold re-mortgage pack Information for solicitors £162 Leasehold re-mortgage pack
Freehold re-mortgage pack Information for solicitors £83 Freehold re-mortgage pack
Sublet registration To allow subletting of property including short-term "holiday" lets £50 Sublet registration
Notice of assignment Registering a change of leaseholder £80 Notice of assignment
Notice of charge Registering change of mortgage lender or secured loan £80 Notice of charge
Combined notice of assignment and charge Registering both a change of leaseholder and mortgage lender or secured loan £160 Notice of assignment and charge
Removal of Land Registry charge Repayment of right to buy discount £175 Removal of Land Registry charge

Documents and information

Type of document Cost
Copy of lease / transfer document £32
Copy of invoice for a previous year £32 per year
Breakdown of charges for a previous year £32 per year
Copy of certificate for a previous year £59
Details of planned major work for your block or estate in the next five years £66
Letter of satisfaction to confirm a county court judgment debt has been paid £65

Home improvements and alterations

Type of alteration Home ownership fee Technical fee Legal fee Extra inspections cost
Minor alterations (like flues, extractor fan) £105 for letter of consent None applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Deed of Variation for windows £291 None applicable
£20 Not applicable
Varying of Deed of Variation for windows £400 None applicable
Not appicable Not applicable
Bigger internal alterations (such as altering a load-bearing internal wall) £105 £234 £650 Not applicable
Major alterations (like adding a conservatory) £127 £234 £1,125 £70 per hour
Retrospective consent - fee on top of either of the above four alteration types £368 £469 £1,110 £70 per hour
Redrawing lease plans £62 £567 £650 Not applicable
Purchase of land / space (like garden, loft, basement) £130 £1,290 £2,075 £70 per hour

Other fees

Type of fee Cost
Postponement of charge - legal fees to prioritise a mortgage or secured loan over the Council’s legal charge at the Land Registry for the repayment of right to buy discount £320
Certificate of compliance £320
Major works extended payment plan legal charge £255
Removal of Land registry charge for major works extended payment plan
Devolution of title fee
Letter before legal action - pre-legal action letter regarding breach of lease
S146 forfeiture notice - legal notice regarding breach of lease
Breach of lease

Depends on costs incurred by the council and time spent by officer investigating and remedying the breach