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Community MARAC

What is the Community MARAC?

The Islington Community Multi-agency Risk Assessment Conference (CMARAC) is a multi-agency meeting where information is shared on complex/ high risk cases involving vulnerable victims/perpetrators of anti-social behaviour.

All relevant information is shared about victims, witnesses and perpetrators in order to inform a collective assessment of risks. The panel will develop and action plan to address problematic behaviour and agree on an effective safety planning strategy to manage the overall risk to the victim, perpetrator or community.

The primary focus of the CMARAC is to safeguard the victims and witnesses, and prevent further victimisation.

The CMARAC will also make links with other partners to safeguard children and manage the behaviour of the perpetrators

What partners say about the Community MARAC

  • agencies were all placed to discuss the case together - it was very well chaired and the preparation of information was efficient and helpful. There is a tone of cooperation and the different workers are really listened to and thoughtful responses are given. I found that other agencies took the issues in the case on board more after the referral to community MARAC.
  • it gave a more transparent understanding of what each service can do to resolve the issues and it aided communication and set targets to complete actions robustly
  • in such complex situations it's really important to know what can/cannot be done legally/ police and via social care, health etc.

Who attends the meetings?

Meetings are chaired by the Chief Inspector for Neighbourhood Policing (co-chaired by the council’s Community Safety Team) and held every month. They are well attended by 20 plus people with some officers only attending for specific cases. Core members include Police, Community Safety, Out-of-Hours ASB/Noise Team, Victim Support, Fire Brigade, Supporting People, Adult Social Care, Floating Support, Camden & Islington Foundation Trust (Mental Health Assessment & Advice Team), LBI & PFI Housing, and other registered housing providers.

Who can be referred?

The inclusion criteria for referral to CMARAC are cases which involve

Vulnerable victims/perpetrators

Vulnerable person experiencing ongoing victimisation or are at risk of harm. They are a vulnerable victim or perpetrator who’s behaviour poses a risk to/or affects others.

Significant risk

There is a high risk of harm, there is an escalation in frequency or severity of incidents indicating the potential for harm or you have significant concerns around risk based on your professional knowledge of the case.

Multi agency approach needed

A multi-agency approach is needed to safeguard victims of ASB/crime and / or their family, and address the behaviour of perpetrators either by an early intervention or by enforcement.

Exclusion criteria

  • CMARAC only accept referrals for adults
  • CMARAC will not accept cases that fall under the responsibility of another panel

How to refer to Islington’s Community MARAC

All professionals from across the statutory and voluntary sector may refer cases to the Community MARAC. All documentation relating to the victim should be sent securely. A common referral form is used among all agencies and a risk assessment must be included.

The Community Risk MARAC takes place every second Wednesday of the month. The deadline for referrals is two weeks before the MARAC meeting. Once the referral has been made additional information will be sought from core partners in order to accurately assess level of risk and vulnerability. You will be contacted one week before the CMARAC meeting to either confirm acceptance, in which case you will be given a time slot for the meeting and advice around preparing for the meeting.

If your referral does not meet the threshold you will be given advice and recommended actions.

Final date for submission is two weeks prior to the CMARAC by Tuesday 5pm

Contact Islington Council's Community MARAC Chair and Coordinator about the MARAC or to make a referral, email 

What to consider before making a referral