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Early Years training charges

Quality and standards annual support package for Early Years providers

Voluntary, maintained nursery schools, LBI children centre's
Private and independent sector
Half day
Single day
Two days
Additional days

Training costs

Unless stated otherwise, all remote and face-to-face courses can be booked on MyLearning.

Early Bird Special 

Delegates will receive a 20% discount on all courses booked before 2 February, 2024.

Individual courses Voluntary, maintained nursery schools, council children centres fee
Private and Independent Sector
EY Safeguarding
Free Free
£55 per person
£60 per person
Half day
£69 per person
£74 per person
1 day or 2 half days
£137 per person
£151 per person
2-day course
£257 per person
£272 per person

All networks and forums
Free of charge Free of charge
£50 per person
£50 per person

For voluntary sector providers, this package would be in addition to any other support agreed by your link advisory teacher at your annual categorisation visit.

There is no charge for exceptional circumstances only. Please remember to cancel three days before the course date to avoid any charge.

Health and safety and food hygiene online courses 

These courses will be provided by the National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA). Please visit NDNA for more details.

Inset costs 

These are in line with annual support package charges, as above. Twilight insets can be arranged on request.

Inset charges can be reduced if you choose to share your training with another setting.

Online self-study course costs

  • £69 for voluntary, maintained nursery schools, maintained primary schools and LBI children’s centres
  • £74 for private and independent sectors

Buy a course