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Dangerous wild animal licence

You need a licence from us to keep animals which are considered to be dangerous, wild or exotic.

You need a licence to keep some animals. For example:  

  • wild cats
  • primates 
  • wild dogs
  • certain pigs 
  • marsupials. 

A full list of animals requiring a dangerous wild animal licence is on the GOV.UK website.   


Please contact the Animal Welfare team to apply for a licence. Call 020 7527 3222 or email

After you apply

Your application will only be approved when we are sure the licensing criteria has been met. If you have not heard from us within a reasonable period, please get in contact. 

The right to appeal

If your application is refused, please contact us in the first instance. You can appeal to the local magistrates’ court. 

Failure to apply for a licence

Anyone without a licence or found guilty of failing to comply with any licence condition will be subject to a fine of up to £2,000. 

Anyone found guilty of obstructing or delaying an inspector or authorised veterinary practitioner or veterinary surgeon shall be subject to a fine of up to £2,000. 

If anyone keeps an animal without a licence or fails to comply with a licence condition, our inspectors may seize the animal and may either retain it, or have it destroyed or disposed of (to a zoo or elsewhere) without compensation to the owner. The owner is liable for any expense incurred in seizing, retaining or disposing of an animal.