Licences, permits and registrations
Apply for, renew or get information and advice about the licences, permits and registrations you need if you're running a business in Islington
Easy to access information for traders and customers
Business parking permits
Apply for a business permit or buy business visitor vouchers in Islington
Trading Standards
Ensuring a fair and safe trading environment for residents, businesses and visitors to Islington.
Environmental health
Find out more about the work of our commercial environmental health team
Register for business rates
New business or new to Islington? Let us know you are here by registering your business via our 'Moving into the area' online form
Business waste and recycling
We offer a flexible business waste and recycling service for any business that's low cost, high quality and reliable
Energy savings for business
Ways for your business to save money by reducing its energy use
Keeping your business safe
We want Islington businesses to feel safer by tackling anti-social behaviour.