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No recourse to public funds (NRPF)

If you have money or housing problems because you have no access to public funds, like welfare benefits, we may be able to help.

What 'no recourse to public funds' means

'No recourse to public funds’ (NRPF) means a person can't get benefits or public housing, even if they are very poor and might become homeless.   

You might have NRPF if you have:

  • a 'grant of temporary permission' to enter or stay in the UK
  • no permission to enter or stay in the UK.

If your permission to enter or stay in the UK has a 'maintenance undertaking' (which means a family member said they’d give you somewhere to live and support you financially during your stay), you also won't be able to get certain benefits.  

For more information about public funds and rights to it as someone not from the UK, visit the NRPF Network website

Who can apply for support

There are three main groups who might be able to get NRPF support from us:

  • destitute families (families who are very poor and can't live without support)
  • single adults with care needs
  • young people leaving care.

You will need an assessment of need by social services to check if you are eligible for support. Some people can only receive support if that is necessary to stop a breach of their human rights. Social services may make an extra assessment to see if this is a risk.

Apply for support

Any Islington resident asking for NRPF support should contact social services first.

Role of the NRPF team

We understand that most vulnerable residents need support to stop them experiencing destitution and to protect childrens' welfare.

We have a dedicated NRPF team to make sure we use our resources effectively. This includes Social Services' housing and financial support, as well as working with the Home office to make sure immigration queries are resolved as quickly as possible.

Professionals can make referrals and ask questions by email:

Further information and support