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Learn more about schools, nurseries and childcare, further and adult education in the UK.

English for Speakers of Other Languages test

After you've arrived, you need to take a test to see what your level of English is and what needs you may have because of this.

If you have a good level of English, you can register on the Camden and Islington English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Advice Service website and complete an online assessment. Once completed, someone will contact you and make a referral for you to join an ESOL class.   

If you require some help or have a low level of English, you can contact (message, WhatsApp or call) the number 07734 777 466 and you will get an appointment at Central Library to do a test there. Sessions take place every week at Central Library but you need to book one first.  

For any issues or queries, you can email


How to apply for a school place

It's best to apply for your child when you arrive in the UK.

Use our in-year application form to apply for both primary and secondary schools. 

Choosing a school

  • You should review admission booklets on a school's website for more information and to help you make your choice.
  • You can use 'Your Local Area' to find your nearest Islington schools.
  • We have a schools admissions guide that you might find helpful.

Contact the School Admissions team to find out more on 020 7527 5515.

Free school meals

Free school meals can be provided by Islington schools.

You need to a National Insurance Number. Once the national insurance number has been received, you should register your child to get free school meals.

School travel

Information you need to give schools

It’s helpful for schools to know about:

  • medical conditions
  • allergies and dietary requirements (for school meals) 
  • Special Educational or Disability needs
  • language support (like interpreting)

Please give as much information as you can.


If your child attends a state school, then the council can refund you some of your school uniform costs. You can claim up to £150 back for uniform costs per child.

Email to request the form. The form will ask for the following information:

  • your name and the names of the child or children
  • school they are going to
  • receipts for all items of uniform purchased (please attach these to the same email)
  • total amount you are asking for, up to a maximum of £150 per child
  • photo of your / the parent's UK bank account statement (this should show the sort code, account number and your name)
  • your sponsor’s name and address.

Early years and nursery

Our Children’s team will give information and advice about applying for places during the welfare visit when you first arrive.

Islington’s Family Information Service (FIS) can help you find childcare, free early learning, fun activities and support for you and your children. Email the family information service at or visit our webpage.

Post-16 education

As a new arrival to the UK, anyone aged over 16 may need support to understand the UK education system and options to continue in education after 16 years old.

There is a wide range of academic and vocational education choices.

Islington Council have a Progress team who offer support to young people aged 16 to 18 who are looking for education, employment and training. The team has qualified careers advisers who understand the education system and the steps needed to make applications. To get support, email

  • The Progress team will help you to apply for colleges and sixth forms (the last two years of secondary academic education, usually for A-Level qualifications).
  • They will also make comparisons of the qualifications you achieved in Ukraine to the UK system so that colleges and sixth forms can make informed decisions on admissions.
  • The Progress Team will support you to get English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) courses if needed, making sure you have a placement to meet your individual needs.

University and student finance

If you are interested in studying at university in the UK, you can find out more information about different courses available on the UCAS website.

  • For questions on what you need to be accepted onto a course, it is best to contact the admissions team at each university.
  • Ukrainian students who have arrived on the Homes for Ukraine scheme will pay the same for a university course as a UK national. Usually this will be £9250 per year of study.
  • You may be able to get student finance to help pay for the cost of your tuition fees as well as to support you while you study.

Adult education

To view the wide range of other courses available, please visit the Islington Adult and Community Learning website.